Why do doctors still prescribe insulin for type 2 diabetes when compelling re-search proves that to do so is virtually useless? Canadian nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung will address this and the role of insulin in Obesity at Low Carb USA - San Diego 2016 conference later this month. He will focus on the science of therapeutic fasting and its undeniable success as a tool in treating both type 2 diabetes and obesity.
San Diego, CA, July 13, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Low Carb USA , an organization focused on dietary education and support, is hosting Dr. Fung as part of the largest scientific conference of its kind to date to be held in downtown San Diego from July 29 - July 31 2016.
Because type 2 diabetes is by far the leading cause of kidney disease, Dr. Fung has treated many hundreds of diabetic patients. Many are also obese. For more than a decade, he treated his patients religiously according to orthodox medical protocols.
As doctors, we had been treating type 2 diabetes exactly wrong
Dr. Jason Fung, Canadian Nephrologist
Over time, he became aware of research confirming significant benefits of combining therapeutic fasting with a low-carb diets to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. Although it remains largely taboo in modern medical science, fasting has been used successfully worldwide for millenia for both spiritual and health reasons.
He then read Good Calories, Bad Calories, a seminal work by US science writer Gary Taubes, who is another speaker at the conference. This brought Dr. Fung to an inescapable conclusion: “As doctors, we had been treating type 2 diabetes exactly wrong.”
That horrifying realization sent him on the remarkable journey he continues on to this day. Along the way, he has proven that, in many cases, combining diet with therapeutic fasting can cure type 2 diabetes.
He says that's because obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes are all diseases of insulin excess. Dr. Effective treatment is not to lower blood glucose levels, but a regimen to lower insulin – not raise it. Dr. Fung will discuss best practice for treating and preventing diabetes and obesity using therapeutic fasting as a tool.
Other international experts on Low Carb USA 2016's stellar Speaker Lineup include Gary Taubes, Dr. Michael Eades, Dr. Jeff Volek, Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Dave Dikeman, Dr. Jeffry Gerber, Ivor Cummins and Jimmy Moore.
For healthcare professionals, this live CME activity has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 16.5 Prescribed credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
The conference will be held in the main ballroom of the Westin Gaslamp Hotel in Downtown San Diego. For more information, visit: http://lowcarbusa.org/
Source: Low Carb USA